Seminole High School attended the Texas Tech Fall Fandango UIL Practice Meet Saturday, Nov. 9.
Students pictures L-R: Cassidy Peters, 2nd Ready Writing; Riley Jordan, 9th Accounting; Irvin Delgado, 5th Accounting; Justin Knelsen, 7th computer science; Dustie Beaubien, 3rd literary criticism, 4th spelling and vocabulary, 2nd copy editing, 3rd headline writing; Jeremy Lawrence, 1st spelling, 4th science; Pancho Peters, 4th science (both he and Jeremy).
The spelling team consisting of Jeremy Lawrence, Dustie Beaubien, and Audrey Randolph (not pictured) also finished 2nd overall in the team event.
The spelling team consisting of Jeremy Lawrence, Dustie Beaubien, and Audrey Randolph (not pictured) also finished 2nd overall in the team event.
We are proud of our Indians and Maidens as the work toward continuing our rich tradition in UIL academics.